Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bye Bye Facebook

I want to publicly announce that I have "deleted" my facebook account. I went to the temple today and when I came home I felt inspired for whatever reason. Just that its a terrible addiction and way to spend my time. Especially when you are bored at home and arent working. "Why" you may ask I decided to delete/deactivate it? Well two reasons... I find myself on it during to many hours of the day and I find myself knowing things about people that I'd rather find out normal ways... like who's dating who and what so and so said to so and so... I've decided I want to live life like a normal person... or the un-normal person (since normal would be considered as someone who does have facebook, since everyone does.)
Besides now I can spend my time on blogger instead and post my pictures on here. Which is actually better cause its basically an online journal... which is good cause Im terrible about keeping track of my life.
I have a favor of everyone who reads this though. This was a spur of the moment decision but I do feel like it was best. My favor is that you give me crap if I ever revert to being a facebook-er ever again. I was so proud of myself when I just went for it and pressed that deactivate button but then as soon as I did another message popped up... "Your Facebook account has been deactivated. To reactivate your account, log in using your old email and password. You will be able to use the site like you used to. We hope you come back soon." It makes it much to easy to come back. Merely just log back in. Dang Facebook. :) If you all would be as good to be my... my... Hmm.. cant remember what it is when you are going through rehab for an addiction and then you have a sober time of not giving in to your addiction... what are the people that are there to help you? Meh whatever. Even though its an easy back-in IIIIIIIII DDDDDIIIIIIDDDDD IIIITTTTTTTT!!!! YYYYAAAYYYYYY!!!!!


Rachel Chick said...

GOOD JOB, GENNY!!! I agree with you. I think it's a waste of life. Seriously. Not that it's evil or anything, I just think things like that can be such a distraction to things that are REALLY important. Stick with it. lady! YOU CAN DO IT!

Brittany said...

hey! i have no idea if you remember me, but i was an instructor and worked in the office at the B.L. just wanted to say hey and you look fantastic! hope you're doing well.

Dave & Monica said...

YOU HAVE HAD A BLOG SINCE JULY 2008 AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME?! Um Hello I love blogs and I'm super offended right now. I think I was totally with you and candis and katie in spirit when you were out to dinner because I was thinking about us the other day too telling Dave how lucky I got with the most amazing roommates ever!!! I love your blog header, it is so Genny. It's beautiful. And I wish I could see you in August for Katies wedding but its not looking like we're gonna be there :( We're going to DISNEYLAND for our 2 year anniversary, and taking a detour to Utah was a little too expensive :/ the only way you'll see me is if you find a boy and take a road trip down to Disneyland! We'll be there for a week! Anyways, I LOVE YOU, give me more details about your life other than this blog stuff. BYE

Wendie said...


Jeremy and Chelsea Atkin said...

GENNNNYYY!!! You have a blog!?!? OH MY HECK I am so excited!!! Good job on deleting facebook... I should probably do that as well because I too waste a lot of time on it but it's a good way to keep in touch with my family! Anyways how are you... and when are you going to come visit Jer and I in St. George? ;) Just kidding! We might be up North over the 4th of July because my cousin from England is coming to visit. We should get together that weekend! Are you living in Provo or Bountiful?

Wendie said...

Genny, Genny, Genny! Are you ready for me to start giving you "crap" about getting back on to Facebook already? How long did it last? 2 days? Genny, Genny, Genny!

Dave & Monica said...

ummmmmmmm you are the worst blog updater ever.

~*The Miller's*~ said...

GENNY! So I saw you have a blog and totally thought I had to say hi! How are you? I haven't talked/seen you in a LONG LONG time! you are still as gorgeous as ever! I hope you are doing well! We should get together sometime!!