Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mixed emotions about a fight between my car and a pole.

So here I sit feeling like in the first time in a while I have something worth blogging about. I was going to go write in my journal but I feel it is a commical yet sad situation that should be shared. Plus I need to write this down now so that I have something to reflect on, so I can laugh about it when feeling gloomy after a day of driving around in a broken car. So tonight was a night that me and my car were not on the same page. It decided to run away from me and heres my story of how it happened...
So I went to dinner with a few friends tonight. A friendly get together to catch up. After all was said and done, I was in my car getting ready to pull away. Then I realized that I had left my phone inside Applebees so I got out of my car and ran inside. Got it and came back out. Then I was like, "Where the hell is my car, it was right here." I look up to see that my little blue car is sitting an isle over from where I left it and I was like, "thats wierd." I just starred at it for a second trying to figure out how it moved. THHHEEENNN I realize its moving! Away from meeee!!! So I start sprinting. This is when I was thinking that I reaally wish I had been running more lately. So Im sprinting after my car saying, "No No nononononononoo pppllllleasseee stoop!!" And its headed towards a big tall sign and around the sign are a bunch of bars. Bars like the ones you hop over at movie theatres... ya know. For a second in my head I was thinking.." I can make it ! Im almost there." But here the sad part... I wasnt fast enough and my car smashes into these poles. SOOO SAADDDD! I just start whinning out looud and saying "Noooooooooooooooo." Once I looked at it to inspect the damage, it was real bad news. This was no minor bump, its a complete squash. I might as well have been hit by a Semi.. definitley exaggerating but, not.
So Im pretty darn distraught at this point and my friends had left so there was no one to vent to but my Number One Listener, my Mother. Bless her heart, poor lady has to listen to me whine more than any person on this earth has ever heard me whine. She was definitley the listener in this conversation because I just started going off about everything. Almost expecting her to get upset that I dont have a brain. Instead she just played the card of.. "I have no idea how to react so Im going to be the silent type." By the end of the conversation I realized it sounds like Im having a nervous breakdown cause I was kind of crying, realizing that in those very few minutes I just lost a good bunch of money ever coming out of that car when I sell it. The darn trunk wont even shut now, which is another story.. Just one with more yelling and whinning and screaming "Nooo..." after I merely just wanted to test it and see if it opened still. Crazy thing is... in the middle of all this mess I realized that it is just a material thing. This is such a short part of my life and it doesnt matter. Im so thankful I have been raised to realize the more important things in life.
I drove all the way home with a complete blank stare cause I was still in shock but in my head I was laughing at the sitaution. I just could make my face express what was going on inside my head. I didnt mention that there was a group of people all standing outside of Applebees. As I was running after my empty car I could hear them laughing. I was too busy to see if they were laughing at me, but seriously I really hope someone saw cause it was worth seeing. I think I could have died happy being an onlooker on such a situation. I wish my life was recorded because this moment would have definitley been youtube's new No. 1 video.
Oh how I wish I had a brain, hopefully God will bless me with one sometime in the future.

*Pictures of the destruction will be added soon*

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bye Bye Facebook

I want to publicly announce that I have "deleted" my facebook account. I went to the temple today and when I came home I felt inspired for whatever reason. Just that its a terrible addiction and way to spend my time. Especially when you are bored at home and arent working. "Why" you may ask I decided to delete/deactivate it? Well two reasons... I find myself on it during to many hours of the day and I find myself knowing things about people that I'd rather find out normal ways... like who's dating who and what so and so said to so and so... I've decided I want to live life like a normal person... or the un-normal person (since normal would be considered as someone who does have facebook, since everyone does.)
Besides now I can spend my time on blogger instead and post my pictures on here. Which is actually better cause its basically an online journal... which is good cause Im terrible about keeping track of my life.
I have a favor of everyone who reads this though. This was a spur of the moment decision but I do feel like it was best. My favor is that you give me crap if I ever revert to being a facebook-er ever again. I was so proud of myself when I just went for it and pressed that deactivate button but then as soon as I did another message popped up... "Your Facebook account has been deactivated. To reactivate your account, log in using your old email and password. You will be able to use the site like you used to. We hope you come back soon." It makes it much to easy to come back. Merely just log back in. Dang Facebook. :) If you all would be as good to be my... my... Hmm.. cant remember what it is when you are going through rehab for an addiction and then you have a sober time of not giving in to your addiction... what are the people that are there to help you? Meh whatever. Even though its an easy back-in IIIIIIIII DDDDDIIIIIIDDDDD IIIITTTTTTTT!!!! YYYYAAAYYYYYY!!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

As of late this is my life. :)

This is one of the first times that Ive blogged in gosh 5 months... so much has happened. Since Im so bad at writing in my journal Im going to try, from here on out, to track my life this way. Since my last blog...

1) One blog shows that I got my car smushed. My very generous Father got me a 97 Honda Civic on Thanksgiving morning for a "good price." Ha.. good price right after we had bought it we found out it needed some help adding up to be about 1/2 of what we paid for it. Then recently this month I had my idiotic car experience. I ran it absolutely dry of oil a few Sundays back. Now it is dead sitting out in front of my parents house, hubcabless. (I lost the hubcab actually a little while back it has nothing to do with my mishap, it just makes it look that much more pitiful sitting out front.) This week I have been holding off to tell people why I dont have a car because its a little embarrasing that I ran it out of oil. But after a talk with my sister Rachel trying to make me feel better I really do feel better. She told me that once she got fined for not knowing motor oil was a toxic waste when she dumped it out into the snow in a church parking lot. Thanks Rach. Even though it makes me feel better that everyone has stupid car experiences.. my Dad was quick to remind me that her 200-something dollar ticket doesnt compare to my 2000 dollar engine replacement. I dont think my Daddy is going to always be quite so generous from here on out. :)

2) In February I decided to leave Provo after 2 years of living there. I moved back home to Bountiful. I love Provo for the fact that there is always people to meet and things to do but I just felt like there wasnt much for me there anymore. I finished cosmetology school there at Bon Losee almost 3 years ago this July and since then Ive just been there working. I also went one semester at UVU.. which I loved but I kind of tend to jump from one thing to another pretty quick so I didnt stick with it. I am so grateful that my Mom was so encouraging when I decided to move out in November 2006. I think moving to Provo is one of the greatest experiences Ive had. You really find yourself and what matters to you when you're out on your own and free to make your own choices. Now Im back home and sometimes I've wondered what I was thinking coming back home but Im more glad I am when it comes right down to it. I am so glad I get to spend more time with my family. They mostly all live more in this area. Although I miss being close to my sister in Melissa down in Lehi. Shes hooked me up with guys.. listened to my dating issues.. given me a car (which I am also still paying off, no more cars for me! :)).. again like all my siblings have constantly helped me out (The youngest really is spoiled.. mostly by having older siblings that are looking out for them and their well-being) Melissa has kept me on track through my stupidity.. Its incredible how much I love her! :) I also really miss my beautiful little neices down in Lehi that are always make me laugh their funny sayings and how crazy they drive Melissa at times.. :) The best part is that they love me.. I love how kids are so easy to love.

3) Life is crazy. Aimlessly trying to figure out whats the next thing to do with your life. About 3 weeks ago I started CNA training up in Clearfield UT. I just finished up my hours and clinicals this last week and now Im preparing to take my tests to get certified. Now I'll be a Licensed Hairstylist and Certified Nurse Assistant. I played with the idea of become a CNA about a year ago. I was so close to starting the training when I was down in Provo then when I found out that its alot of diaper changing and people refered to it as doing alot of grudge work, I was like "uh-uh!" I bagged that idea and kept doing hair. Since Ive been home its been a little hard to find a job doing hair that Ive been satisfied with and that I can make money. I can make more by doing hair than I can being a CNA but its hard to get make bank if you arent staying in one place long enough to build up a cliental. I will definitley never give up doing hair, I love love doing hair. There is alot of satifaction from doing that job when you can make someone non-stop stare at themselves in the mirror with a huge smile on their faces. Its that kind of satisfaction that makes a job worthwhile to me.
Even while Ive been going through the training for CNA Ive been a litte questionable about what the heck Im doing. But as I was doing clinicals this weekend in a Nursing Home Im reminded that this is a service Im doing for people. The elderly people there are just so sweet and depenedent. If I can make the last part of their lives happier and easier by comforting them while they keep telling me about their medical problems and cleaning their hineys, I'll do it. I've never spent much time with my grandparents so Ive always had a compassion for those Grandma's and Grandpa's. I dont know if I can still say Im really excited about what I'll be doing but I think this is a good thing Im doing and I am excited to help out. Im going to be a BOMB CNA. :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :0) :D ;) =)

Lately Ive realized that life goes 100 times better when I just constantl remember to try to keep a smile on my face. Its so much fun and besides it makes you look so much more attractive. Sometimes when I dont I just looked zoned out and tired. It covers up tiredness too. There are so many reasons to SMILE! :)
For example that we always have reasons to smile. Im sitting in the UVU library by a window and this guy walking by is totally talking to himself. He looks a little crazy. Actually he looked a little upset. See we never know who is watching from windows up above. Best we choose to smile. hehe. Jk.
The best thing in the world for smiling is to realize the highlights of things that happened in our day. Even on sucky days theres so many!
One time my friend told me that he thinks im awesome cause Im always positive. I didnt really agree but thats what I strive to always be! :) :)
Thats my thought today!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Poor Ariel (my car)...

So the unfortunate happened. I got in an accident. First ever. This is a special year..first time Ive ever broken something (my foot) and first time Ive ever been in an accident. Perhaps this is a sign that I need to be extra careful for the next month. :)
Its a pretty big deal, my car is gone but suprisingly I dont have any regrets. Yes I could have been going slower and yes I could have been more attentive. But things happened in the best of the worst ways. It was rush hour traffic and everyone started slamming on their breaks. The person in front of me slammed on their brakes and swerved a little into the HOV lane. I slammed on my breaks but I was pretty sure I wasnt going to make it so I saw the open space in the HOV lane and switched lanes. I didnt see the truck in that lane so he hit the drivers side back corner. I dont remember what happened but when it was all over I found myself thinking "What the heck am I doing in the passengers seat?!" I like to say that me not wearing my seatbelt was actually a positive thing cause I could have gotten wiplash opposed to the few scrapes and bruises I got... who wants wiplash?? JK. But I got the ticket cause I cant deny even though it wasnt really something stupid I did, it was my fault. Meaning no extra money for me but oh well. Something that is crazy is even though we know we should be in shock after the accident and we deny that we are. It wasnt till the next day that I really realized how gone I really was. I thought it was interesting because I kept asking people if it was cold cause I was shaking so bad. Its crazy that I wasnt attentive enough to actually pay attention to what my own senses were telling me. It really was super cold! I also was so not attentive to probably how crazy I looked. I had been wearing a tank top and a scarf when I left my apartment so after I got hit I dug through my laundry basket and found the cleanest clothes which didnt really go that well together. haha. One of the most interesting things to me in constantly finding out new ways our mind works.
Poor Ariel. I miss her so much, busses are a joke! Ive never had to deal with not having a car since I started driving when I was 16. But hey now I see some people actually alot more cause I get rides. People are so sweet to help me out. It makes me very appreciative. I still feel like I should see my car again so thats a weird thought. Hopefully I can work something out to get a car soon when I finish this semester.
Im still in the process of selling my contract. Hopefully I can have luck with that cause it will be much easier to save up money if I am not paying for rent as well. We'll see where life takes me.. Im almost considering moving home but it would be hard to leave Provo and all my good friends here. I just have to be patient to see where life takes me and pray that I will end up being where is best for me.
A few days later a bunch of us were at Schmutz's (my cousins) and sitting around talking. Ben (my brother) was telling all of us about his MANY crazy times while driving. Falling asleep, sliding backwards on a road (for a few examples) and my Mom said "There is a reason I say my prayers." There really is! Gosh we are so guarded by angels constantly! I have to say that sometimes I think I hog them all. :) Its so important that we pray for safety. We are so watched over!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Early Thanksgiving Gratitude <3

I was just reading about how much everyone loves it when I blog so it got me all pumped to write another. Nothing too eventful and exciting going on but I just wanted to comment on my main thought that Ive had lately. Ive come to realize how easily I stress myself out. I am a very do it now kind of person. When I decide on something I get myself worked up if I cant accomplish it all now. School ending, selling my contract for my apartment.. those are things that I want to happen now. There are so many things to be stressed about and they all just keep piling up on each other. My best friend Tiffany told me the other day.. "We should be excited even about all the things that annoy us. These are the such exciting times in our lives." Seriously!! I love this thought! Its made all the difference in my life and has changed my outlook continuously.
Im full of early thanksgiving gratitude right now and I just wanted to share... Im thankful for all the stupid annoying things in life, that I choose to go to school this semester (even though Ive decided to not continue beyond this semester), Im so glad I choose to stay in Provo this fall (even though I'm frusterated with trying to sell my contract right now), for my excited clients who leave my chair and continue starring at themselves in the mirror, for missionaries who willingly give their LIVES to the lord for 2 WHOLE years, for the AMAZING talks from Oct conference that im studying in the ensign, for the blessing of the spirit always being available to us at anytime because of the scriptures, service (knowledge of this escape from ourselves, did that make sense?), SMILES!, for my incredible parents that have made me who I am (someone who is proud of who she is), for all my family (Im SO grateful for wise older siblings who are examples to me constantly) Im grateful for love in my life!!!
Im so gooshy. :) Im just in a good mood. I love taking the time to write down a few things that I'm truely grateful for. I dont think that we take enough time to realize those things and also I believe we dont take enough time to congradulate ourselves for becoming the amazing people we have become. There are so many things to constantly smile about in everything we do and see... I forget that way too much.
This is a small attempt to keep blogging. I keep looking for exciting things that happen in my life. Sorry Im just a boring single, childless individual. :) AND IM LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

Picture update from my life lately...

Grateful for people who accept me for who I am. :) We know how to enjoy the elections in Provo. Jk. Haha. This is an Obama and McCain mask if you couldn’t tell.
Me and my best friend Tiffany on one of our double dates. We swear everything happens to us at the same time and we are some how interconnected.

Im so grateful for all my good close friends that I have here in Provo... Below is me and Saul at a BYU soccer game.

Me and my really good friend Dane getting new helmets for his bulletbike at Yamaha. We found these goggles. Christmas present.. ya? JK.

Still enjoying going on hot dates. :) This is my friend Nel on our date recently. We went to hook tinfoil dinners with a group of people. That is one of my favorite activities to do on a date.

Ive been bringing my razor scooter to school with me and riding it around in the halls. It saved my foot from the strain of walking. It also made for great entertainment cause most people that would ask to ride it would biff it. As shown below by my friend Wes.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My "Husband Tag" haha

Here it goes.. this is my third post ever. Technically my fourth because the first two were just me going off about how annoyed I was that blogger was so confusing. Now it doesn't really matter to me because I never get on, as you can see. When I do, I really enjoy reading everyones posts. I love to read about my neices and nephews. I could never complain about being the youngest cause I have 13, almost 14, great reasons to enjoy it. They are like my children, just I have the advantage of loving them and then sending them away for others. :)
So my awesome sister, Melissa, this past week started all my sisters on making posts called "Husband Tag." Im sure most know what this is because most everyone that is connected to me on blogger is my family. If not it is a bunch of questions asking how they met their husbands, first kiss, first one to say I love you.. La-Di-Da-Di-Da. Get the picture? So Melissa when I was talking to her recently mentioned that all my sisters filled out the "Husband Tag" form on blogger and encouraged me to go read it.
I think I commented on every one of their posts. I loved it.. like I said to Melissa it was if I was reading a chick flick. I got all choked up just as if I was really reading one. Now that Im through this Im thinking its silly Im posting this but oh well. Since filling out the "Husband Tag" isnt an option for me this what I resort to so that I can fit in. ;) I enjoyed reading them and I also hope my sisters all know that I ADORE THEM! They are the greatest!
I liked recognizing things that they pointed out.. the simplest thing such as, just being crazy about that person. Anywho. I tag everyone who hasn't filled out this survey to do it. Then let me know cause Im a "Chick Flick Fanatic."