Monday, April 27, 2009

As of late this is my life. :)

This is one of the first times that Ive blogged in gosh 5 months... so much has happened. Since Im so bad at writing in my journal Im going to try, from here on out, to track my life this way. Since my last blog...

1) One blog shows that I got my car smushed. My very generous Father got me a 97 Honda Civic on Thanksgiving morning for a "good price." Ha.. good price right after we had bought it we found out it needed some help adding up to be about 1/2 of what we paid for it. Then recently this month I had my idiotic car experience. I ran it absolutely dry of oil a few Sundays back. Now it is dead sitting out in front of my parents house, hubcabless. (I lost the hubcab actually a little while back it has nothing to do with my mishap, it just makes it look that much more pitiful sitting out front.) This week I have been holding off to tell people why I dont have a car because its a little embarrasing that I ran it out of oil. But after a talk with my sister Rachel trying to make me feel better I really do feel better. She told me that once she got fined for not knowing motor oil was a toxic waste when she dumped it out into the snow in a church parking lot. Thanks Rach. Even though it makes me feel better that everyone has stupid car experiences.. my Dad was quick to remind me that her 200-something dollar ticket doesnt compare to my 2000 dollar engine replacement. I dont think my Daddy is going to always be quite so generous from here on out. :)

2) In February I decided to leave Provo after 2 years of living there. I moved back home to Bountiful. I love Provo for the fact that there is always people to meet and things to do but I just felt like there wasnt much for me there anymore. I finished cosmetology school there at Bon Losee almost 3 years ago this July and since then Ive just been there working. I also went one semester at UVU.. which I loved but I kind of tend to jump from one thing to another pretty quick so I didnt stick with it. I am so grateful that my Mom was so encouraging when I decided to move out in November 2006. I think moving to Provo is one of the greatest experiences Ive had. You really find yourself and what matters to you when you're out on your own and free to make your own choices. Now Im back home and sometimes I've wondered what I was thinking coming back home but Im more glad I am when it comes right down to it. I am so glad I get to spend more time with my family. They mostly all live more in this area. Although I miss being close to my sister in Melissa down in Lehi. Shes hooked me up with guys.. listened to my dating issues.. given me a car (which I am also still paying off, no more cars for me! :)).. again like all my siblings have constantly helped me out (The youngest really is spoiled.. mostly by having older siblings that are looking out for them and their well-being) Melissa has kept me on track through my stupidity.. Its incredible how much I love her! :) I also really miss my beautiful little neices down in Lehi that are always make me laugh their funny sayings and how crazy they drive Melissa at times.. :) The best part is that they love me.. I love how kids are so easy to love.

3) Life is crazy. Aimlessly trying to figure out whats the next thing to do with your life. About 3 weeks ago I started CNA training up in Clearfield UT. I just finished up my hours and clinicals this last week and now Im preparing to take my tests to get certified. Now I'll be a Licensed Hairstylist and Certified Nurse Assistant. I played with the idea of become a CNA about a year ago. I was so close to starting the training when I was down in Provo then when I found out that its alot of diaper changing and people refered to it as doing alot of grudge work, I was like "uh-uh!" I bagged that idea and kept doing hair. Since Ive been home its been a little hard to find a job doing hair that Ive been satisfied with and that I can make money. I can make more by doing hair than I can being a CNA but its hard to get make bank if you arent staying in one place long enough to build up a cliental. I will definitley never give up doing hair, I love love doing hair. There is alot of satifaction from doing that job when you can make someone non-stop stare at themselves in the mirror with a huge smile on their faces. Its that kind of satisfaction that makes a job worthwhile to me.
Even while Ive been going through the training for CNA Ive been a litte questionable about what the heck Im doing. But as I was doing clinicals this weekend in a Nursing Home Im reminded that this is a service Im doing for people. The elderly people there are just so sweet and depenedent. If I can make the last part of their lives happier and easier by comforting them while they keep telling me about their medical problems and cleaning their hineys, I'll do it. I've never spent much time with my grandparents so Ive always had a compassion for those Grandma's and Grandpa's. I dont know if I can still say Im really excited about what I'll be doing but I think this is a good thing Im doing and I am excited to help out. Im going to be a BOMB CNA. :)


Rachel Chick said...

I love it Genny! Glad I could help console you a little bit! :) Good luck figuring out what you're doing! - I'm glad that you're home now, too. I think I've seen you more this week than I've seen of you in several months!!! :) I love you!

Life for the Pillings said...

Hurray!!! You blogged! I miss talking to you as much as I use too. You are such a sweetheart Genny I love you tons!!! Know that you are always welcome at our house. . .at any hour :). Good luck on you CNA test today ...or tomorrow. You'll be an awesome CNA - not because you're a good hiney wipper - but because you will bring such a smile to those you help. You are just a fun person to be around. Love ya - soon you Thursday.

Kelly said...

Who is this for real? Genny doesn't blog-she texts!! We love you to pieces Genny!